Customer Quote
Posted on 27 October 2008

"Can I just say a huge thank you? Your shop in Chiswick was my absolute dinner party saviour last night!
Rather than my dinner guests turning up to find a rather harassed and frantic host who was wishing she hadn't organized a dinner party at the end of a rather busy week at work they found the picture of domestic control and organization - dressed, made up, table laid and dinner all prepared!
Your Moroccan Chicken Tagine and herb cous cous was amazing. However, after an evening of praise on my cooking and hosting ability, I'm feeling a little bit guilty with regard to the image I've left people with i.e. of being some superwoman who manages to juggle a job and find the time to creating a delicious three course meal. I think I may have to confess to them and share the COOK secret around!
Well done on creating an amazing chain of dinner solutions for time-poor foodies!"
_Don't forget that if you want to cheat too that we offer a range of our own ceramic dishes that fit our 2 and 4 portion meals - just pop out our food when frozen and cook as per the normal cooking instructions and your guests will be none the wiser!_