Healthy Green Juice With Broccoli And Kale

Posted on 1 February 2014

Tags: Healthy Eating, recipe, video, drink


Vibrant green in colour, this juice from Raw Food Detox by Anya Ladra contains more goodness than you can shake a stick at. At first glance the ingredients don’t scream ‘I’m delicious, drink me’ (who wants to drink broccoli of a morning?), however, with the addition of ginger, our January diet guinea pig Hannah can testify that it was in fact pretty scrumptious.


Smoothies and juices claiming vast health benefits aren’t new - what IS new however is the current trend for ‘green juices’ packed with kale, spinach, broccoli, courgette, celery or cucumber. Far less sugary than a fruit smoothie, these green juices are a great way of getting your 5 a day in one hit; the dark green vegetables are full of vitamins and iron. It may or may not immediately transform you into a goddess, green or otherwise, but it will certainly get your day off to a flying start. Try it - go to work on a green goddess smoothie.

Here's the recipe for Green Goddess Smoothie, from from Raw Food Detox, by Anya Ladra.

Our notes: We added ginger; we found the parsley a fraction overwhelming, and you could add another apple, or even a pear if you’d prefer it to be sweeter. Both would work.

1 cucumber
5 celery stalks
100 g broccoli (we used tender stem)
1/4 fennel bulb
1/2 courgette
1 apple
1 lime, peeled
3 large handfuls of fresh parsley
3 large handfuls of spinach or kale

How to make:
Blend and drink! - divide the juice between 2–3 glasses and serve.

Green Smoothie Goddess Ingredients

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