Camp Hope
Posted on 27 February 2017
Tags: Good Business, Good Relationships
A message from Arta, a chef in our Prep Team who used some of the paid leave we offer our office team to volunteer…
This January I went to Costa Rica for 3 weeks to work with children from vulnerable backgrounds, orphans and kids that suffer from abuse. We did a two-week Christian summer camp called Camp Hope for them completely free of cost where they could come and just be children again. We did loads of fun things together like rock climbing, ropes course, water day, games, dance, music and many other things.

This January I went to Costa Rica for 3 weeks to work with children from vulnerable backgrounds, orphans and kids that suffer from abuse. We did a two-week Christian summer camp called Camp Hope for them completely free of cost where they could come and just be children again. We did loads of fun things together like rock climbing, ropes course, water day, games, dance, music and many other things.

The first week all the kids were very shy, we had to be very careful as to how to approach them as many of them were scared. But the biggest highlight was seeing the kids open up towards the end of the camp, many were jumping and dancing and would jump on you for piggy back rides. I remember this one little girl who wouldn’t speak a single word during the camp but on the last day she came up to me, gave me a hug and said “I will miss you” in Spanish.

I’ve been with the organisation Hope for Families for 11 years now and each time I go on a mission trip I come back with the same realisation – we have more than we realise. If you have a roof over your head, food on your plate, people that support you and stable income, you’re blessed. We often take simple things for granted but stepping out of your comfort zone will teach you compassion and gratitude.